Free The World Web Server project.. :)

MONTY HARDER monty.harder at
Sun Jul 16 09:04:20 PDT 1995

DM> however, would be unobtrusive. A web page that mails a form letter to
DM> _your_ congressperson's form-letter-readers (ie staff readers) would be
DM> much better, IMHO.

  Expecially if the form letter generated would be randomly selected
from parallel word streams.  For example:

       Dear Senator <#SENATOR>:

       I am <concerned|alarmed|frightened> by the <attacks on privacy
     rights in|glaring First Amendment violations in|fascist mentality
     of|ominous provisions of|potential for civil rights infringement
     by> SB <#BILLNO> <introduced recently| proposed|offered> by Senator

  You get the idea.

  Anyone who has read MAD Magazine could put such together. As an added
bonus, use variable margin settings, and none of the letters would be
exactly the same. Appropriate Imail => FAX software on a puter in DC
(local call that way) with the phone number of the sender filled in on
the top line for ID (izzat legal?) so it doesn't look like a form letter
at all.

  The web page would generate a random letter, allow the user to edit
it, further (possibly offering the alternate phrases) before he clicks
on the [Send] button.

 * Len Buckholtz of Borg:
LB> Quoting is irrelevant.
 * Monster at FAmend.Com *    

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