mistake on my part

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Thu Jul 13 16:50:58 PDT 1995


In article <9507131759.AA12314 at webster.imsi.com>, perry at imsi.com (Perry E.
Metzger) wrote:

>I made a small mistake -- the new bill does *not* make it a crime to
>make crypto software available at Egghead -- but it does more or less
>make distribution of crypto software over the internet impossible if
>it isn't an escrow based system.

And once that happens, you will have to fill out a form and register your
copy of crypto software that you got at Egghead, just as you have to
register firearms today.

<I am starting to wish I had bought an AR-15 back when you still could>

- -- 
- -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at netcom.com>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.
- ---
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