James A. Donald jamesd at
Sun Jan 29 16:46:11 PST 1995

On Sat, 28 Jan 1995, Joe Turner wrote:
> Additionally, I don't know of too many operating 
> systems where the source code is floating around.  I mean so what if 
> it doesn't come with a pretty shrink wrapped package and a thick 
> getting-started, if you have a question just go find the source code.  
> Geez.  

There are some communities of software developers that have 
this strange belief that program behavior should conform to user
expectations instead of the user conforming to the program

Your other remarks are rational, relevant, appropriate, and correct,
but this remark illustrates magnificently why unix is
still user hostile after all these years.

We have the right to defend ourselves     |
and our property, because of the kind     |  
of animals that we are. True law          |   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the     |  
arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.  |   jamesd at

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