*More* wiretaps?

Mark Chen chen at intuit.com
Sun Jan 22 12:27:20 PST 1995

> Associated Press reported on 1/20/95:
> >Secretary of State Warren Christopher Friday announced 
> >plans to combat narcotics smuggling and terrorism with tougher 
> >laws and sentences and tighter control on visas for entering the 
> >United States. 
> >   
> >A senior State Department official said wiretapping was among the 
> >measures to be proposed to the Republican-controlled Congress. The 
> >official said there were ways to use wiretaps without violating 
> >Supreme Court restrictions. 
> Since wiretapping on court order from their no-questions-asked secret 
> court is already allowed, can they mean anything other than wiretapping 
> without court order?
> Can somebody explain to me why the Clinton administration is
> considered "liberal"?  Why the Republicans are considered
> "conservative"?

To make it appear as though a choice exists in the American political

Mark Chen 
chen at intuit.com
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