(none)Re: Abuse and Remailer Ethics

Name withheld on request anonymous-remailer at xs4all.nl
Tue Jan 17 06:07:01 PST 1995

In article <Pine.HPP.3.91.950117105356.16699A-100000 at cor.sos.sll.se>,
Mats Bergstrom <asgaard at sos.sll.se> wrote:
> This thread illustrates (at least if setup's like this are
> worthy of a place in Raph's list) that penet.fi is the safest
> way to go for the moment. I would just hate it to have my
> head on the plate of a remailer operator who takes an interest
> in subtile ethical discussion of whether to sell me out or not.
> Mats
This comment is grossly unfair.  Obviously Homer is going to a lot of
effort to operate his remailer in the best way possible.  

It's easy for others to be critical.  "head on a plate" is a strong
term to use, given Homer made it clear he would not reveal the
identity of an anonymous user without a court order.  Also, one
wonders to what end remailers are being put by people who are worried
about being "sold out".

It's always been a good policy to use a foreign mailer in a chain
where anonymity is critically important.  That doesn't mean it's OK
to make Homer the whipping boy.

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