Julf gets some negitive press!!!

Mike Duvos mpd at netcom.com
Tue Jan 10 08:47:54 PST 1995

skaplin at mirage.skypoint.com (Samuel Kaplin) writes:

 > bitch Siegel is complaining about net hoods again, ...

 > Such problems are further exacerbated by a computer in
 > Finland called the Anonymous Server, which exists for the
 > sole purpose of laundering computer messages, much like
 > dirty money is laundered through small island nations.

I predicted a while back, that when the time came for a serious
attack by authority types on anonymous remailers, we would see
the term "message laundering" suddenly spring into the public

 > Consequently, if you want to, say, threaten someone with
 > death, your risk of retribution is small, courtesy of the
 > Anonymous Server.

Well, I certainly wouldn't post death threats through Penet. At
the very least, it would threaten the existance of the server,
which is a valuable net.resource, and cause me to receive nasty
mail from Julf.  I think Bitch Siegel exaggerates the potential
danger of this particular system.

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     mpd at netcom.com     $    via Finger.                      $

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