Privacy digest an all

Ben samman at CS.YALE.EDU
Sun Feb 12 10:40:09 PST 1995

I found this on another list that I"m on.  I have no connection at all 
with the distributor, but I thought that it would be interesting to share 
it with the list.



We all have something to hide, right?  From nosy neighbors, burglars, our
spouses, private detectives, but most of all the government and business.
In this 38-page booklet, you will  learn how the government and business,
through the extensive use of super-computers, is compiling data on ever
facet of your life.  Discover exactly how they do it.  The amount of
information kept on you is astounding: bank statements, investments,
credit histories, medical records, school transcripts, driving histories,
videotape rentals, retail purchases, tax returns, legal records, and more!
This booklet explains who is collecting information on you and what they
are doing with it.  Your dossier is compiled and sold without your
permission or knowledge.  Find out what technologies are available today,
and their frightening implications for tomorrow.  We are on the verge of a
1984 Orwellian-type Police State!

How can you keep some of your life private?  After you read this booklet,
at least you will have some idea! Learn how to make untraceable telephone
calls.  Be prepared for the New Money . There are a few  low-profile
investments that do not generate reports to business or  government.  Learn
what they are and how to go about protecting yourself from the privacy
invaders.  Once you have shifted some of your assets from high -profile
assets to low-profile assets, learn how to store and conceal them so you
will not be discovered.  Subjects covered include:
Why Privacy?, Political Persecution, High-Risk Business, Divorce, Probate,
Protection from Robbery, Protection from Government Seizure, The Future:
The Total Surveillance State, "Smart Cars", "Smart Cards", "Video
Surveillance", "Satellite, Surveillance", "Clipper Chip", "Robot Spies", The
Future Workplace:  A Look At Electronic Banking System, Inc., How Profiles
Are Created, Damaging Dossiers, Privacy And The  Telephone, The New Be A
Private Investor, An Analysis Of Low-Profile Investments, Diamonds and
Precious Gems, Rare Coins, Foreign Currency, Collectibles, 
Cash, The Tangible Investment Philosophy, Recent DeBeers Diamond Price
Hikes, Long Term Investment Gem Performance, Low-Profile Strategies In A
High-Profile World, Confidential Model Portfolio For Privacy Clients, 10
Rules For Gem Investing, How To Safeguard Your Valuables.  This is an
excellent tool for anyone concerned with our vanishing privacy.  Here is how
you order:  Send $9.95 ppd (includes first class postage). Illinois
Residents add 6.5% sales tax.  to: Superior Broadcasting Company, Box 668,
Lindenhurst, IL 60046.  Request #119O  "Privacy & Gems: A Special Report by
Bob Genis"

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