US calls for measures against Internet porn

Anonymous nobody at
Sun Dec 31 16:26:11 PST 1995

Apologies if you've seen this before:

         WASHINGTON DC (Reuter) - The US called Sunday for improved
management of the Internet to prevent people seeing pornographic
material on the world computer network.
         A joint statement from the Clinton administration's State
Council (Cabinet) and the office of the Republican Party's Planning
Committee said there were increasing links between domestic computer
systems and the Internet.
         ``Good use of the Internet is of great importance to increase
global information exchanges, promote economic construction and
develop science,'' the Associated Press quoted the statement as
         But because of weak management and lack of control over what
enters the Internet, some pornographic and other harmful materials
have come onto the system, it said. ``We must take effective measures
to deal with this,'' it said.
         German prosecutors said Friday they had launched an
investigation into the U.S.-based online service CompuServe Inc on
suspicion that members had sent child pornography over its worldwide
computer network.
         The inquiry prompted the service to block access to 200
sexually-explicit Internet discussion groups and sites where
pornographic pictures are available.
         An explosion in use and ownership of modems in the US is
giving an increasingly large number of people access to the Internet.

[The amazing thing is how _little_ editing was necessary.]

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