Zensoren ueber Alles

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Sat Dec 30 10:53:39 PST 1995

At 10:54 12/30/95, tallpaul wrote:
[On the CI$ issue]

>I predict it will also be used for additional attacks on issues of
>encryption, privacy,  and anonymity. That is, I think we will see
>statements like "We need to be especially vigilant to make sure that the
>perverts are not smuggling banned material into the country via the
>internet. This means we have to block encryption, monitor user accounts
>even more carefully for potential perverts, etc. etc.

Nothing new here. Pornography and the other Three Horsemen will be use to
ban the spread of 'dangerous' thoughts on the Internet. This was clear
years ago. Let me emphasize a few facts:

o Non-GAK Encryption will be outlawed.
o 'Immoral' texts and pictures will be banned.
o The dissemination of 'dangerous ideas' will become a felony.

At best, Cypherpunks can hope to provide the infrastructure that will allow
an underground to communicate semi-securely. We are unable to stop the
global tidal wave of fascism. Let's not waste our time on bemoaning the
freedoms crushed in its path. We have more important work to do.

-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at netcom.com>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.

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