
Perry E. Metzger perry at
Thu Dec 28 22:55:23 PST 1995

"David E. Smith" writes:
> >The right way to do this in the digital world, IMHO, is to have a
> >standard for "Power of Attorney" documents, and for the entity
> >receiving something signed in your key that should be signed in
> >another person's key to also see the digitally signed power of
> >attorney document. Then the entity can check the signature on the
> >power of attorney was in Helen's key, and that the signed key in that
> >document was the key that signed the document signed by the "attorney".

> That's more of what I was looking for.  I suppose that (I'm still using
> PGP as my example) there could be a shared PGP key, signed by Helen and
> myself, where only the two of us know the passphrase,

Huh? Why? Why would you need such a thing? If you reread what I wrote
above, you would see that such a thing is completely unneeded.


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