(fwd) RSA CEO Bidzos on USML/ITAR

Harry Bartholomew bart at netcom.com
Thu Dec 28 13:50:17 PST 1995

From: softwa19 at us.net (Charles R. Smith)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 16:55:09 GMT

RSA CEO/President D. James Bidzos, in a speech before the
Commonwealth Club of California, openly stated his opposition to
current USML/ITAR controls.  "We stand to lose a significant
part of our industry due to export controls", said Bidzos in the
taped address shown on C-Span 12/25/95.  The recent teaming of
Sun with ex-Soviet programmers to avoid U.S. export controls on
encryption was cited by Bidzos as an example of exactly how jobs
and opportunities are being forced off shore by U.S. policy.
Bidzos statements echo the remarks from Microsoft CEO, Bill
Gates, who also lashed out at federal export restrictions in his
comments before the National Press Club in early Decemeber.

This author noted some months ago the teaming of Ernst & Young
and SOFTWARE (AG), a german based software firm, to provide
encryption security with no import regulations.  Foreign
companies are allowed freely to compete in the U.S. domestic
market while U.S. citizens are restricted from the international
market.  This imbalance costs american jobs, taxes, rapidly
erodes our lead in this important area of science and is unfair.
The regulations, instead of limiting access to foriegn criminals
and terrorists, has led to a U.S. funded explosion of better
off-shore products that are beyond law enforcement control.  In
fact, the Federal government not only encourages this effort but
even has a multi-million dollar contract with SOFTWARE (AG).
The time for these regulations has clearly passed.  Yet, our
government is not geared for quick action, nor will self-seeking
bureaucrats ever be convinced to let go.  The world, however,
will quickly leave us behind unless we act soon.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith - President
SOFTWAR, Richmond VA

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