Reputation capital: FIBS case study

Aleph One aleph1 at
Wed Dec 27 16:49:25 PST 1995

On Wed, 27 Dec 1995, Lou Poppler wrote:

> I'm not really asking for suggestions here or anything.  It's likely that
> most of them have already been debated to death on r.g.b.  I just wanted
> to show you a case of reputation markets in action.

If the server can keep track of drop games and the restart it should not
be diffucult to keep a record for each player of how many games he
has dropped and not restarted. A high number would mean a cheater
or someone with a very bad phone line. In either case you dont want to play
with them.

For the second problem there is no easy solution. One thing to make it more
anoying for the cheater is to keep a history of matches played by each
players. A player that has played 50 matches with anotherone an won all
is either cheating or not looking for a challange. Of curse the cheater
just has to create a new nym each time to play agains in this case.
Bottom line is that on the net a nym can be multiple persons and a person
can have multiple nyms.

> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    Thank you VERY much!  You'll be 
> ::  Lou Poppler <lwp at> ::   getting a Handsome Simulfax Copy 
> ::   ::   of your OWN words in the mail
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   soon (and My Reply).

Aleph One / aleph1 at
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5 
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61  8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01 

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