[NOISE] Re: anonther anonymous poster

Kevin L Prigge Kevin.L.Prigge-2 at cis.umn.edu
Tue Dec 26 22:10:40 PST 1995

According to rumor, Fred Cohen said:
> Another anonymous poster tells the cypherpunks to abandon liberty by
> abusing it.  When will the cypherpunks learn stand up to these people.

This is really noise, but I just had a Woody flashback...
All that he'd have to do is change the second sentance to
"When will the cypherpunks learn to evaluate data."

Anyhow, Merry Christmas :)

Kevin L. Prigge         |"Have you ever gotten tired of hearing those 
UofM Central Computing  | ridiculous AT&T commercials claiming credit 
email: klp at tc.umn.edu   | for things that don't even exist yet? 
010010011101011001100010| You will." -Emmanuel Goldstein 

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