Austin CPunk Video Update

Ben Combee combee at
Wed Dec 27 08:11:43 PST 1995

First, a lot of thanks to all of you who sent me ideas for the
Cypherpunk video we are working on here in Austin.  I'm sorry I
haven't individually acknowledged all of you, but it was been a
busy couple of months.

Here is our status:

We have agreed on the meeting infrastructure, with a video working
group meeting twice a month of planning/strategy meetings and at
other times for filming, editing, and so on.

We have decided to do a 30 minute video with segments dealing with
crypto history, basic theory, popular applications, and possible
futures.  We may go one to produce further videos which look at
these topics in more detail.

We have a outline of the segments of the video.  The outline was
originally conceived for a 60 minute program, so some items might
have to be cut.  This outline should be available online sometime
soon off my web page at (URL not
yet active).

This program will initially air on Austin's public access stations,
but we have nebulous plans to distribute it once that requirement
is met.

Questions?  Just write to me or to all the Austin CPunks at
austin-cpunks at

        eebmoC .L nimajneB | Benjamin L. Combee                (REVERSE) 
       gro.doowhcet at eebmoc | combee at           (ENGINEERING) 
\eebmoc\ten.kay.www\\:ptth |        (RESERVE)

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