CFS and Linux

Dr. Dimitri Vulis dlv at
Sun Dec 24 07:10:19 PST 1995

"Don M. Kitchen" <don at> writes:
> Sorry for being one of those who responds to Detweiler's troll...

I wonder which of the participants are Lance...

> > So the master is at last fallen.  Kudos to Mr. Jim Choate and Dr.
> > Dimitri Vulis for having the courage of their convictions to help
> > unmask AT&T's deceit in claiming to support Linux and free software
> > when, in truth, it is doing just the opposite.

There's been a bit of confusion here. Perry Metzger stated that Matt Blaze
doesn't have Linux and shouldn't support it. Naturally, this got a few Linux
fans (like myself) overly emotional. Matt Blaze later said that he does have
Linux (contrary to what Perry said), that CFS installs fine, under his version,
and that he's been unable to duplicate the problem reported here (but will
include a fix in future distributions if someone supplies it). It's a perfectly
reasonable position. In particular, this is a much more reasonable position
than the anal-retentive one most MS Windows freeware authors take when you ask
them about running their programs under WinOS2. I told Matt what I thought of
this in private e-mail. _I_ don't have a problem with Matt Blaze.

My conjecture is that during this long holiday weekend certain contributors
are taking recreational drugs before posting to the mailing list.

> Patting yourself on the back again eh? I didn't know people as stupid
> as you knew how to use email.

That's what's wrong with the net in general. 10+ years ago, when I started
using it, it was hard to use e-mail and Usenet, so most of the people using it
had to be fairly intelligent. Today, no intelligence is required to use e-mail,
or even a cpunks anonymous remailer. I wish crypto software and mail filtering
software followed the suit and became as easy to use and transparent at the
rest of our comm software.

I've been communicating with one sci.crypt personality, who configured his
procmail to accept e-mail only from a list of people he knows. To be able to
send him e-mail, I had to contact him by other means and ask him to add my name
to the list of approved correspondents. :) He's not checking digital
signatures, just the from lines. (By the way, he's not on cypherpunks because
he considers the level of crypto expertise here to be too low.)

Is this where we're heading?


Dr. Dimitri Vulis
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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