CFS and Linux

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Sat Dec 23 11:40:36 PST 1995

Fred Cohen writes:
> > Go and sue, Fred. Its what I have lawyers for. If you can even find an
> > attorney willing to take your "case", mine will likely remind yours
> > that lawyers can now be punished by the court in many jurisdictions
> > for knowingly aiding in bringing frivolous suits. If you are seeking
> > $1 in damages the court is especially likely to consider the whole
> > thing a waste of time.
> Your choice, but it's not a very nice Christmas present to find yourself
> in litigation.  I'll give you till Tuesday to reconsider.  If I see the
> public apology, I won't call the lawyers.

As I said, Fred, quit giving me "second chances"; either send the
process server with the court papers or let the matter drop. Don't
bother sending any more "just one more chance" messages to me -- I
won't be altering my opinion.

As for apologies, I have nothing to apologize for, so I have no
intention of apologizing to you -- ever.


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