ex encrypted script

jim bell jimbell at pacifier.com
Fri Dec 22 15:38:20 PST 1995

At 11:20 PM 12/21/95 -0800, you wrote:
difficult for the amateur attacker.

>>A tale I hear is that when HP had to deliver operating system source to
>>the french government they stripped all comments and changed all variable
>>and subroutine names to 32 byte strings of I 1 0 (zero) and O (uppercase O).
>>It still compiled but was 100% useless to human readers.
>There is a commercial product out there from Gimpel Software called _The C
>Shroud_. It removes all structure from the code, replacing it with gotos,
>renames all the symbols to axxxxxxx, converts constants and strings to hex,
>substitutes all #defines and expands all macros, strips all formatting and
>comments, etc., resulting in a perfectly compilable, but infuriatingly
>obfuscated set of source files.
>Steven Weller 

On the other hand, there are some programmers out there whose work product
makes such a product totally redundant!

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