CFS and Linux

Matt Blaze mab at
Fri Dec 22 14:21:47 PST 1995

>two comments for matt thoo:
>  1: please make it install 'out-of-the-box' on Linux.

I'd love to.  It isn't that simple.  No one has ever told me exactly what
"the Linux problem" is or even convinced me that a problem actually exists.

I don't run Linux.  People who do run Linux are divided between telling
me it that does run out-of-the-box and that it doesn't.  ALL I can do is
pass on patches that the people who run CFS under Linux give me.  My
understanding is that CFS does run out-of-the-box under some of the
all-too-many varieties of Linux, but that it depends very much on your
particular configuration (particularly your rpcgen version).  Some
configurations require some tweeking.  If you want to see CFS supported
out-of-the-box on a particular platform, someone has to tell me about it
and supply me with the fixes, which I will galdly wrap into the distribution.
Requests that I make something work on a platform that I don't have and
don't control are very frustrating.

Anyway, this is the wrong list for this.  Linux issues come up every now and
then on the cfs-users mailing list (cfs-users-request at;
subscription info included in the distribution).


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