ex encrypted script

Beavis B. Thoopit beavis at bioanalytical.com
Thu Dec 21 19:59:25 PST 1995

> >| Is there a way to encrypt a script yet still allow it to be runnable?  I
> >| know that the simple answer is to write it in C and compile it but I don't
> >| have the means of doing that at the moment.  (i.e. there is not compiler on
> >| the system)
> >| 
> >| I thought of a few simple protections but they all involve decrypting before
> >| running.
> >
> >	Ever hear of chmod?  chown?
> >Adam
> The vendor also has superuser access..  chmod chown won't protect it.. :(

I once had to obfuscate an awk script.  "Cryptography is Economics."  My
job was to make it difficult for the enemy to steal the source.  There
was a license agreement...

The simple answer of "no" is right in the strong sense, but there are
tricks to make life difficult for the amateur attacker.

My approach was a self-decrypting program.  The "real" script was
encrypted within the body of the encasing script.  For increased
obfuscation, decrypt only small pieces at a time.

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