Cypherpunks resumes?

Timothy C. May tcmay at
Thu Dec 21 11:26:44 PST 1995

At 7:55 AM 12/21/95, Anonymous wrote:
>Is there any chance of seeing a Cypherpunks 'Rogues Gallery' of sorts
>in the archives anytime soon?  It would be nice to see a face connected
>to the postings here.  Some of us don't get the chance of getting out
>west for the parties, The only other thing I know about Tim May besides
>being one of the Fathers of the Cypherpunks is that he was a naked hippie
>in a hot tub at some party that Robert Hettinga was at some weeks ago,
>That doesn't paint a good picture for me.

But, "Anonymous," we don't even know which of the many "Anonymous" ones you
are, so why should we go out of our way to provide images, resumes,
dossiers, etc., to you?

In any case, many of the folks on this list have elected to have Web pages,
often with images of themselves, their SOs, their pets, their computers,
and so on. Perhaps their images will paint a better picture for you. (I
note that the last "Anonymous" person concerned with getting the "real"
pictures of people was S. Boxx, or maybe Pablo Escobar, I forget.)

(I have not spent time generating a "home page." I see the burgeoning
shelves of "HTML Bible" self-help books and see more and more people
spending time gussying-up their home pages. People are even putting their
personal diaries on the Web, plus all sorts of personal stuff that is
finding its way into compiled dossiers. Not for me. I prefer my essays to
be what goes into my dossiers.)

Or, as our esteemed Gothamite might reJoyce:

Erudite, profligate, disputacious -- indistinguishable from many other
publicity-saving levitationisms. 'Tis superficially an expurgated part of
the Ruby Ridge-slippered Great Oz divulgation. Ostentatiously, the
preterite few surf the gilt-edged waves while Jose Sixpacks languish in
spider-webbed Quayle-spelt ghettoes populated by home page homeys.

For further emendations and emissions, behave normally and reply with a
blank message labelled:


--You Know Who

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