The Problem With Blaze And Weinstein

blancw at blancw at
Wed Dec 20 23:57:23 PST 1995

>From the Fool on the Hill(aka ECafe):

ATT and Netscape are both tools of the CIA/NSA.
Blaze and Weinstein are in on the plot to force 
GAK upon us....
..Only true visionaries like myself and Dr. 
Frederic B Cohen are telling it like it is; 
everyone else has had the wool pulled over their 
eyes by the NSA/ATT/Netscape axis.

Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!
Cpunks, do you not "get it" -

This has to be a jest, poking at some of the attitudes which have been 
expressed on the list.  I think it's a bit late, though, as most of the 
excitement has calmed, and this must be why it's not recognizable.  (if you 
think it's worth a comment, at least make it *funny*!, right.)


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