CFS and Linux

zinc zinc at
Wed Dec 20 12:22:01 PST 1995

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Alex de Joode wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 20:15:14 +0100 (MET)
> From: Alex de Joode <usura at>
> To: cypherpunks at
> Subject: CFS and Linux
> Is there anyone out there that has CFS running with Linux ?
> It installs fine on BSDi 2.0 but I'm unable to install it 
> under Linux, I would appreciate it if some one would help
> me out.

i don't think i can help you at all but i do have it running on my linux 
box.  i compiled it as ELF with gcc 2.7.0 and libc 5.0.9.  unfortunately, 
i just tried to compile it again and it didn't work.  i'm not sure what 
i've changed since then but i have updated some libraries and bin-utils 
so who knows.

anyway, i know other people have it running too, it just seems really 
touchy to me.

sorry for the lack of info/help,


patrick finerty = zinc at = pfinerty at
U of Utah biochem grad student in the Bass lab - zinc fingers + dsRNA!
** FINGER zinc-pgp at for pgp public key - CRYPTO!
zifi runs LINUX 1.2.11 -=-=-=WEB=-=-=-> 

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