revised time quantization package (Unix & WIN32) available

Aleph One aleph1 at
Tue Dec 19 17:49:53 PST 1995

On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, ECafe Anonymous Remailer wrote:

> I don't understand why this group continues to tolerate these blatently
> commercial messages from att (and netscape.) (The message is
> really just an ad for the cryptolib product, as it says). I've also said
> this b4 but I'll say it again: why would anyone in their right mind trust
> binary code from att after the clipper fiasco.

I don't understand why this group continues to tolerate these compleatly
stupid messages from Mr. Anonymous (and other nuts.) (The message is
really just a llame by Detweller (sp?), as it indicates). I've also said
this b4 but I'll say it again: why would anyone in their right mind pay any
attention to an anonymous idiot without enough face to get a nym.

> And why do we tolerate Jeff Weinstein and Mat Blaze calling themselves
> cypherpunks, when they are so clearly just working us for their
> corporate interests? I wonder how much they get paid to monitor this
> list?

You might want to have a doctor help you take your head out of your ass.

Aleph One / aleph1 at
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5 
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61  8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01 

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