"Strongly Voluntary" Key Escrow

JaDe jadestar at netcom.com
Fri Dec 15 21:17:13 PST 1995

> At  9:10 12/15/95 -0500, Jim Ray wrote:
> >"Government Key Certification" might be an OK compromise-term compared
> >to "key escrow," but we should [IMNSHO] continue to stick to "GAK." As
> >you know, I prefered the term "FUCKED," but now we must be "decent" in
> >our communications. <sigh>
> I suggest Forced Key Deposit (FKD) (when some non-governmental entity e.g.
> an employer forces you to send copies of your keys to some depository), and
> Voluntary Key Deposit (VKD), when you chose to deposit a copy of your key
> with some third party.  I love the way GAK sounds, so I support it even the
> whole concept is really FUCKED.  Whenever I hear, "Government Key


	You may really have something here.  Let's recommend a 
	Forced Universal Cryptographic Key and Engine Depository.

	When they, naturally, build the acronym -- they'll have 
	spelled out the situation clearly <g>

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