Timing Cryptanalysis Attack

Nathaniel Borenstein nsb at nsb.fv.com
Mon Dec 11 13:10:34 PST 1995

Hey, don't go for constant time, that's too hard to get perfect.  Add a
*random* delay.  This particular crypto-flaw is pretty easy to fix. 
(See, I'm not *always* arguing the downside of cryptography!)

It is worth noting, however, the extent to which "secure" cryptographic
protocols keep needing to get fixed one last time....  -- Nathaniel
Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb at fv.com>       | (Tense Hot Alien In Barn)
Chief Scientist, First Virtual Holdings | VIRTUAL YELLOW RIBBON:
FAQ & PGP key: nsb+faq at nsb.fv.com       | http://www.netresponse.com/zldf

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