Warning about Pegasus Mail and PGP (fwd)

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Sun Dec 10 03:30:27 PST 1995


On  9 Dec 95 at 21:43, Jeff Hupp wrote:

> On  9 Dec 95 at 18:29, Siberia wrote:

> : Okay, here's how I understand things with PGP and Pegasus.
> : You have two  options with Pegasus depending on the set-up
> : options you choose.  You can either send upon completion of
> : your out-going email, or you can have your mail queued
> : until you press the send out-going mail button.  The actual
> : PGP process does not occur until you actually send the
> : mail.  So the answer would be: don't queue your mail.

> 	That's not really a solution in the Windows environment, if
> you have a swap file, you never know what gets written out
> to it.  The solution is run w/o a swap file or run an
> encrypted file system.  I run an encrypted file system.

Oh, PLEASE! Do you HAVE to go and mix up two completely
different issues? Aren't the nontechnical people trying to
follow these things likely to be confused enough without your
adding to that confusion? For every person who really 
understands the technical issues there are probably a thousand 
or ten thousand who are just trying to *use* the stuff without 
stepping into a deep hole.

An OS swap file is one kind of hole.  What Siberia is writing 
about is ANOTHER type of hole. If I wipe my swap file after 
each use of my machine and don't know that Pegasus is doing 
this, or think that because of what you wrote I'm no worse off, 
I've been done a serious disservice.

> 	Pegasus will indeed save your key with your message in the
> outgoing queue.  This is a problem with the design of
> pegasus, not with the design of the add on encryptor.  

How about saying something USEFUL, like yes or no to the
question of whether sending WITHOUT queueing will make any
difference? How about agreeing that if David Harris hopes to
provide a useful interface to external "encryptors" he will
have to do something about this?  How about cc'ing David?

Somebody else could as well point out that we're all full of 
crap because we don't use Amigas, and while he might have a 
point, it wouldn't be a very useful one.

We Jurgar Din
(that will have to suffice: I do not yet live in a free country)

+"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone. It is to the+
+vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no +
+election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now  +
+too late to retire from the contest." -Patrick Henry 1775 +

Version: 2.6.2


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