Netscape announces position against GAK

Dan Weinstein djw at
Sat Dec 9 16:47:06 PST 1995

On Sat, 9 Dec 1995 16:59:13 -0600 (CST), Frank Stuart
<fstuart at> wrote:

>To avoid just saying "me too", I'll throw out another idea on making the U.S.
>version of Netscape available to U.S. users over the Internet.  How about a
>phone number to call to get an access id of some sort that can be used to
>FTP the software.  When you call the number, you can use caller-id to verify
>that the person is calling from within the U.S.  You could set up a BBS-type
>system to do this automatically, or make the phone number a 900 number and
>charge a few dollars to cover your costs.  You could also set up the access
>id so that it can only be used once.

Couldn't caller ID be fooled by call forwarding?  I am anything but an
expert on caller ID, but this seems like a possible loop hole.  This
would cause the same kind of problem that is holding up placing the
U.S. version on the Web.  

Dan Weinstein
djw at
PGP public key is available from my Home Page.
All opinions expressed above are mine.

"I understand by 'freedom of Spirit' something quite definite -
the unconditional will to say No, where it is dangerous to say
           Friedrich Nietzsche

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