CP: Mailing List Subjects

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Fri Dec 8 14:52:17 PST 1995

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995, Laszlo Vecsey wrote:

> Would it be possible for the Cypherpunks mailing list remailer to parse the 
> Subject line to include a CP: at the beginning, or some notation so that 
> Cypherpunk messages can be easily 'filtered' out from my Inbox?

Majordomo always includes a Sender: owner-cypherpunks at toad.com header. 
You'd know this if you used, say, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, or
some other broken mail gateway. Procmail or whatever should be able to 
filter mail based on this.

You can also read cypherpunks courtesy of http://www.hks.net/ (no,
Cyberia-L isn't there), or nntp.hks.net. Lots of people do this. I prefer
to deal with receiving the list in my personal mailbox because I don't
like waiting for downloads in real time. 
> Also, about Microsoft's .PWL file format. Will they be releasing the 
> new encryption method? Or are we not supposed to feel safe that our 
> passwords are protected in Windows95.

I asked a related question of one of the networking program managers 
today; I think the answer is yes. I'll forward this to see if he'd like 
to make a public comment.


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