Python Cryptography Toolkit v1.0.0

Andrew Kuchling andrewk at
Fri Dec 8 11:25:55 PST 1995

Futplex <futplex at> wrote:
> (1) If you don't mind announcing that you've exported the software from
> Canada to the Netherlands, why not just put it up for ftp at a Canadian 
> site ?

	Simply because I don't have anywhere to put it.  This e-mail account
is at my workplace, and my employer doesn't run an anonymous FTP site.  I
also don't have an account with a local ISP, just because I haven't bothered
to get one yet.  Once I do, I'll certainly make the code available there.

> (2) Acronym overload: try to avoid calling your toolkit "PCT", since M$
> already has some security protocol called PCT....

	Yeah, I know; my code has been around for about 6 months, and I only
found out about MS's protocol a few weeks ago.  Hmmm... Python Cryptography
_Package_?  Kit?  Collection?  Stuff?  

	Andrew Kuchling 
	andrewk at

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