Secret Clearance (was: re: NIST GAK export meeting, sv)

Peter Trei trei at
Thu Dec 7 10:06:33 PST 1995

> Bill Stewart <stewarts at> said:
> BS> Few, if any, other than companies already in the military business;
> BS> secret clearances are _expensive_, usually take a long time to get,
> BS> and the military only gives them to people who need them.
> 	Strange, the military processed a SECRET clearance on me even
> before I signed on the dotted line.  Now a TS, that's expensive, but
> they didn't have much on me other than my SSAN and, I think, my prints
> to process the SECRET, so they couldn't have done much more than run be
> through the FBI criminal database.
     It varies. My SECRET took almost a year and a personal interview
before it was granted. Living 13 years abroad in 5 countries, visiting
the eastern bloc, and having relatives over there, made DISA a bit

    Clearances tend to be easiest for nth generation midwesterners
who are just out of school, have never been anywhere, and have no
known relatives abroad.

    I never went for a TS - I figured it would be too much trouble, and
might have been turned down.  

speaking only for myself...

Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team                                
Process Software Corporation
trei at

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