Daniel Miskell DMiskell at
Thu Dec 7 05:36:58 PST 1995

Scott Binkley writes:
>I heard a while back about being able to "split" up a PGP key.  What 
>splitting up the key into many parts, and giving them out to multiple 
>agencies.  ie: One piece goes to the FBI, one to the NSA, one to some 
>other committee, and
>so on.  That way, no goverment body could just tap your conversations 
>without getting
>approval from others, and gaining the pieces of your key.
>just a thought

Why give them your key in the first place?  Personally, I wouldnt trust any 
government agency with even a fraction of my key - what makes you think they 
arent *allready* working together?  Then you have effectively given your key, 
and all of your private mail, to the government, no restrictions.
*!Cheese Doctrine:!*
    Though cultured over time,
and aged to perfection, one must
not yield to produce mold.  One
must also not belittle themselves
by conforming to the "whiz", but
melt over the unprocessed ideas
of Ghuda.

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