Barring access to Netscape

Bill Frantz frantz at
Fri Dec 1 13:09:36 PST 1995

IMHO, all the people who are planning to alter web pages to deal with the
Netscape/GAK issue should consider the following points:

(1) A recent large web site reported that 95% of their accesses were from
Netscape browsers.

(2) You want to inform the public and put pressure on Netscape, not piss
off the people using netscape browsers.  A quick, one page, detour would
seem appropriate, but not denial of access or other hostile acts.

(3) You should save some room for esclation.  (e.g. denial of access etc.) 
Don't hit them with everything in the first round.

(4) Any list of alternative browsers has to include at least one viable
browser for each of the major platforms.  (At least, Windows, Mac, SunOS,
Solaris, HP, AIX, BSD, Linux.  Probably a lot more.)

Bill Frantz

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