Sierra On-Line FAQ

NCSA HTTPd www at
Sun Aug 27 02:05:29 PDT 1995

(Following is a FAQ for the SierraWeb Welcome Kit)

Welcome to SIERRAWEBª

Here is some helpful information which we hope can answer a range
of  possible  questions.  At  Sierra On-line, we want to make all
your visits to our web site most enjoyable.

SIERRAWEB FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How do I log on to the Sierra On-line web site?

A: The SierraWeb address on the World Wide Web is


Since this document was most likely sent to you along  with  your
password  verification then you've already signed on to SierraWeb

Q: What do I do with the verification code-words you e-mailed  to

A:  Log back on to SierraWeb by typing our address  in  your  web
browser.  Then,  after  typing in your name and password, type in
the Verification Code-Word and you'll be  officially  registered.
This  is  the  only time you'll have to type in your Verification
Code unless you re-register again.

Q: Why does SierraWeb use a password and verification code-word?

A: We ask for your name and email address to confirm the  unique-
ness  of every member.  It allows us to a.) customize the service
for each individual member's preferences and b.) help  us  better
understand the demographic profile our membership and c.) prevent
abuse of the website such as unauthorized orders or  the  use  of
offensive language.  All in all, we want to get to know you as an

Q: What if I forget my password?

A: At SierraWeb, you choose your own password so we hope it  will
be  easy  to remember.  If you forget it, then you'll need to re-
register and pick a new one.

Q: How do I change the look and links of my personal User Page?

A.  Just one of the things that makes SierraWeb unique is that it
allows  you  to  change  the way you view much of the information
that is available.  Special 'looks' will change the  web  control
page  bars  at the top and bottom of the page as well as the page
background.  (Can't view backgrounds on your browser  :^(  ,  you
can still change your control bars.) For instance, you can choose
an Arcade 'look' by choosing 'Arcade' from the pop-up menu at the
bottom  right  of  your  SierraWeb  Personal Page.  If you're in-
terested in Football or  Baseball,  you  might  select  the  'Box
Seats' look. Do you like outer space and science fiction? Try out
the Space Command  look.  Here's a chart to help you  choose  the
look or looks that you might like

If you like...				You might try...

Adventure games like			Myth and Magic
King's Quest

Mother Goose or Playtoons		'Family Fun'

Comedy like Space Quest or		'Comedy'
Leisure Suit Larry or
Woodruff & the Schnibble

Children's Learning			'Kid Smarts'

Reality Role Playing			'9-1-1'

Action/Arcade				'Arcade'

Air/Sea Battle Simulations	       	'Combat'

Football/Baseball		        'Sports Fan'

Horror/Mystery/Suspense		        'Frightful'

...and more!  Plus you can choose from a selection of pure colored backgrounds

Q: What does the LINK change do?  A:  Along  with  changing  your
'look' on SierraWeb, you can also change your 'Link.' A 'link' is
a direct click-jump  to  a  Sierra  game  category  (also  called
genre).   There  are  a  number of categories of games at Sierra.
Here is a brief list.

...and more!

To create a link directly to a category, select  the  'Link'  you
want  to  jump to and click on the change button.  The new 'Link'
you select will appear in the Link window.

Q:   Back to the 'looks,' I noticed that I have a choice  between
a full page's background and a GIF tile.  What's the difference?

A: The full page background is a page  backdrop  from  an  actual
Sierra  game.  Since these files are generally around 30K in size
you'll either need to have a fast modem, say 14,400 or 28,800  or
some patience.  (They're worth waiting for!).  If you are using a
slower modem, or would like a change of  pace,  choose  the  tile
looks.   These files load much quicker since they are quite a bit
smaller in size.

Q: I can't see any backgrounds on my page.

A: Some browsers  are  not  yet  compliant  with  the  background
feature.   You  may wish to change your browser to one that meets
the HTML 2.0 standards.

Q: I can't see the whole page?

A: The standard width size for most pages on  our  website  is  9
inches  and  you should adjust the size of your browser window to
that width.

Q: I see a mailbox on my personal page and the  words  'YOU  HAVE
MAIL!'?  What is this?

A: From time to time, Sierra will be informing members with  news
about our company products and people.  If you see the words 'YOU
HAVE MAIL!,' click on the mailbox to read your mail  from  Sierra

Q: How do I send mail to Sierra?

A: To reach Sierra On-line with a Technical Support question,  go
to  the  Help  Center  which  is  reachable by clicking the 'Help
Center' icon on the bottom control bar (the one with the  ?  Over
the  globe).   You  can also make Customer Service inquiries from
the Help Center.

Note: Some links may not be suitable for youngsters under the age
of 13 and may be automatically deactiviated.

Q: How do I use the SEARCH feature?  

A: You'll find  a  SierraWeb SEARCH  button  in  the  upper  left
hand corner of most SierraWeb pages.  Click on it and you will be
presented with a Word  Search Box ready for you to  type  in  the
word or words you are interested in locating on other pages.  For
instance, if you are  interested in  football,  Simple  type  in:
football.   If  you  are interested in Space, type in: Space.  By
typing space you might be directed  to  the  Space  Quest  series
games or to a space game like Outpost.

Q: How do I find my way back to my Personal Page?

A: Just click on the HOME button underneath the  Sierra  logo  in
the  upper  right  hand corner of most pages on SierraWeb and you
will be automatically transported  back  HOME  to  your  Personal

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