[pagre at weber.ucsd.edu: computers are the crime scenes of the future]

Rich Lethin lethin at ai.mit.edu
Fri Aug 25 06:30:05 PDT 1995

Resent-Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 08:08:10 -0700
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 07:59:52 -0700
From: Phil Agre <pagre at weber.ucsd.edu>
To: rre at weber.ucsd.edu
Subject: computers are the crime scenes of the future
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Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 01:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Papadopoulos <papadop at PEAK.ORG>
Subject: Proper Methods for Seizing Computers from Criminals

[ This is the ASCII transcript of a News Release. I have not transcribed 
additional informative paragraphs which describe the IACIS and the more 
than 150 different law anforcement agencies which have sent their "best 
computer specialists to our training conferences ... since 1991. ]

P.P.B CHIEF'S OFFICE  TEL: 503-823-0342       Aug. 18, 95  16.15  

City of Portland, Oregon, Bureau of Police
Vera Katz, Mayor,
Charles A. Moose, Chief of Police
1111 SW 2nd Ave..
Portland Oregon 97204

Lieutenant C.W. Jensen
Public Information  Officer
phone: 503 -823-0010
Digital Pager : 790-1779	      

August 18, 1995



	Chief Charles Moose will deliver the opening remarks at the 6th 
Annual IACIS Training Conference at the Hilton Hotel  in Portland on 
Monday, August 21, 1995 at 10,00 a.m. IACIS is the acronym for the 
International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists, 
headquartered here in Oregon.
	IACIS was founded by Sgt. Tom Seipert of the Portland Police 
Bureau, and specializes in training law enforcement officers in the 
proper methods of seizing computers from criminals, and then extracting 
items of evidence. Computers are the crime scenes of the future, and 
require special training to seize and examine.  The conference will begin 
with a series of mock computer raids on August 21, 1995, and end on 
September 1, 1995, with information on the latest technological changes 
the investigators need to worry about.
	Approximately 150 students will be attending the conference, some 
from as far away as Australia, and the major agencies such as the FBI, 
DEA, Secret Service, IRS Internal Security, and the Georgia Bureau of 
Investigation will be represented.
	For additional information about this conference, and questions 
regarding computer crime investigations, contact Sgt. Tom Seipert at the 
Hilton hotel, 274-4087. He will be at this number Friday August 18th as 
well as Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th.


Concurrent VLSI Arch. Group     545 Technology Sq., Rm. 610
MIT AI Lab                      Cambridge, MA 02139 (617)-253-0972

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