brloop not working

Piete Brooks Piete.Brooks at
Thu Aug 24 14:37:03 PDT 1995

> Ah, found the problem.  where is that "-" coming from??? [Linux]

brloop in the shell variable "cmd".

#:10: the actual command to do the work ....
cmd="${cmd-$brclient -dklLt$type|(read a;nice -20 $brute$type - \$a)|(read a;
echo '     '\$a 1>&2; echo \$a) |$brclient -AlLt$type}"

> ++ nice -20 brutessl - 2977 d42f 1
> usage: brutessl [-q] <filename> <checksum> <start segment> <no of segments>
>        brutessl [-q] -r <filename> [<no of segments>]
>        brutessl [-q] -t [<hours>[:<minutes>]]
> I've stopped it until I can get that fixed.  brclient is way huge now...I 
> can't see how to get rid of the "-".

"-" is the name of the <filename> -- it's a unix convention for "stdin".
brutessl 1.0 was incompatible with bruterc4 -- that was the reason for
releasing brutessl 1.01

If you are stuck with brutessl 1.0, fix cmd to be

#:10: the actual command to do the work ....
cmd="${cmd-$brclient -dklLt$type|(read a;nice -20 $brute$type -- - \$a)|(read a;
echo '     '\$a 1>&2; echo \$a) |$brclient -AlLt$type}"

i.e. prefix the "-" with "-- "

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