The sorry state of non-US crypto

Censored Girls Anonymous carolann at
Tue Aug 22 23:54:57 PDT 1995

On August 23rd, Lucky Green succintly stated:

 Who cares if someone violates ITAR, if
>overseas users can't find the exported software?

Lucky, all we (I) can do is keep sending them the stuff.
All it takes is just one person to really learn that a
lot of folks are in this. When they do that they don't 
have to be so 'secretive' about their actions.

I just try to remind myself, "I'm just an electronic
envelope maker", that's all. I also like to think I'm
lucky enough to get a job in marketing the stuff.

Love Always,

Carol Anne

Member Internet Society  - Certified BETSI Programmer  -  Webmistress
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