FWD: Safe-Tcl meets PGP!!!!

nobody at shell.portal.com nobody at shell.portal.com
Sat Oct 1 15:15:20 PDT 1994

This is from the Safe-Tcl list, which discusses a variant on tcl which
provides a "safe" subset of capabilities appropriate for letting incoming
mail bring in programs which can run autonomously on your computer.  I
mentioned this a few weeks ago and I've been on the list, although I haven't
looked at it in much detail.   Nathaniel Borenstein is very active in
the email community so this may turn out to be an influential technology.
He is using PGP to authenticate incoming messages and grant them more
privileges as appropriate:

> From hfinney at shell.portal.com Sat Oct  1 13:30:26 1994
> Date: Sat,  1 Oct 1994 15:44:46 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb at nsb.fv.com>
> Subject: Safe-Tcl meets PGP!!!!
> Cc: Marshall Rose <mrose at dbc.mtview.ca.us>,
>         John Ousterhout <John.Ousterhout at eng.sun.com>,
>         Philip Zimmermann <prz at acm.org>,
>         Trent Jaeger <jaegert at engin.umich.edu>
> For over a year now, people have been asking me about extending safe-tcl
> to make use of digital signatures so that it can grant more powerful
> capabilities to programs from trusted senders.  My position all along
> has been "the hooks are there, but nobody has put all the pieces
> together." 
> Today, after a message from Trent Jaeger that got me to thinking about
> this again, I took a new look at the situation, the first time I'd done
> so since becoming a regular PGP user.  It turns out -- amazingly enough
> -- that integrating these technologies was almost trivial!  I am happy
> to report that I now have integrated safe-tcl, pgp, the Internet Draft
> on MIME/PGP, and metamail, to do "the right thing".  Best of all -- you
> don't need to compile anything, the "hooks" all work. 
> With this hack -- which works for all metamail-based mail readers, and
> which I expect will be easy to replicate for mhn and others -- I believe
> that Safe-Tcl now has the last bit of functionality where Telescript was
> previously superior.  We now have a completely open platform for sending
> around programs with differential capabilities dependent on the level of
> trust that the receiver has in the sender. 
> Getting this working is trivial.  The assumption here is that you have a
> message with a content-type of "application/pgp; format=mime" which,
> when after its signature is checked (and after it is decrypted if
> necessary) contains a MIME entity with a content-type of either
> "application/safe-tcl" or "multipart/enabled-mail" (or some other
> multipart, with one of these two types nested inside it somewhere).  The
> basic scheme is to make the PGP-smart process put signature information
> into an environment variable, PGP_SIGNATURE, which is then checked by
> the safe-tcl interpreter.  Obviously, if you implement this, you want to
> make sure that you don't usually have PGP_SIGNATURE set in the process
> you use to read your mail! 
> Anyway, to make this work there are two steps: 
> 1.  In your .safetclrc file, add the following: 
> catch { 
>     global SafeTcl_Services 
>     set SafeTcl_Services(authentication) $env(PGP_SIGNATURE) 
> } 
> This will ensure that SafeTcl_Services is set properly if the
> PGP_SIGNATURE variable is set. 
> 2.  Configure your mail reading tool so that it understands
> application/pgp and text/pgp, and sets the PGP_SIGNATURE variable.  For
> metamail-based systems, this consists of adding the following mailcap
> lines: 
> text/pgp; decode-pgp %s ; needsterminal 
> application/pgp; decode-pgp %s  mime; needsterminal; \ 
>     test=test %{format}  = mime 
> application/pgp; decode-pgp %s ; needsterminal 
> and then installing the "decode-pgp" script on your search path.  That
> script is a twelve-line shell script: 
> #!/bin/csh -f 
> set viewprog=cat 
> if ($#argv > 1) then 
>     set viewprog=metamail 
> endif 
> set prog="pgp" 
> set infile=$1 
> pgp $1 -o /tmp/outputfile.$$ |& tee /tmp/shotputfile.$$ 
> set PS=`grep "Good signature" /tmp/shotputfile.$$ | sed -e "s/Good
> signature from user//"` 
> setenv PGP_SIGNATURE "$PS" 
> $viewprog /tmp/outputfile.$$ 
> rm /tmp/*putfile.$$ 
> I think that's all you need to do!  If I'd known it was going to be this
> simple I would have done it months ago!  
> As an example of how to USE this facility, you can put the following
> code in your .safetclrc: 
> proc readsharedfile {nm} { 
>     set fd [open $nm r] 
>     set result [read $fd] 
>     close $fd 
>     return $result 
> } 
> catch { 
>   if {[regexp "nsb at nsb.fv.com" $SafeTcl_Services(authentication)]} { 
>       declareharmless readsharedfile 
>   } 
> } 
> In this case, if you get a safe-tcl program that is signed (and,
> optionally, encrypted) by ME, and I'm on your keyring, it will be able
> to read any file YOU can read.  Otherwise, the readsahredfile procedure
> will be undefined in the restricted interpreter. 
> Pretty cool, eh?  I encourage folks to try it out.  -- Nathaniel 
> PS -- Assuming no problems turn up, I will probably put "decode-pgp" and
> the relevant mailcap entries in the next metamail release, and will
> build the few lines that set SafeTcl_Services based on PGP_SIGNATURE
> into the stuff done automatically in the next safe-tcl release.  --
> Nathaniel 

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