Back in the mists of time.....

David K. Merriman merriman at
Sun Nov 20 18:44:32 PST 1994

Having turned 40 earlier this month (jeez - if I'd known I was gonna live
this long, I'd have taken care of myself :-), I'm apparently feeling the
effects of Reagan's Disease.

Could someone kindly refresh my memory as to when the Gummit decided it was
okay to:
    * seize alleged drug money and not have to give it back unless the
person could prove it was 'honest' money;
    * make banks and others tell them when someone moved more than $10,000;
    * take away our gold & silver coins for nickeled copper slugs
(Kennedy-era, I believe; I seem to recall the tv coverage);
    * take us off the gold standard (Nixon?);

Email preferred, so I don't waste any (more) bandwidth.....

Dave Merriman
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery.   Ignorance is Strength.       No?

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