NSA in the WSJ

Mike Rose mrose at stsci.edu
Tue Mar 29 10:38:44 PST 1994

>>>>> On Mon, 28 Mar 1994 10:48:04 -0500, Duncan Frissell <frissell at panix.com> said:

>From:  The Wall Street Journal, Tuesday March 22, 1994, p. B1

>The project "is a focal point for the
>distrust of government," acknowledges Clinton Brooks, the NSA scientist
>who led the so-called Clipper Chip project

>Enigma started as
>a commercial product; recognizing its military value, the Nazis pulled
>it off the market.  "That was the concern we're wrestling with today,"
>Mr. Brooks says --- commercial encryption technology becoming so good that
>U.S. spy agencies can't crack it.

Wow.  Now the NSA is comparing itself to Nazis, and are damn proud of


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