spyproofing your house/work building

Lefty lefty at apple.com
Mon Mar 21 08:46:31 PST 1994

Wayne Q Jones excretes:
>With FLIR you have SLIR  OTH UV  LOW LIGHT  from the military (Billy boy
>is itching to deploy here in the good ole USA). Remote Sensing RADAR SONAR
>Stealth RADAr, Remote Imaging SYStems all kinds of goodies coming home.
>TO do what..fight crime..Yeah right. I remember law and order Nixon.
>  Cryptography is the least of your problems. A high tech military is
>coming home and Billy wants to put them to use on our streets..>!!!
>He just loves gadgets. Dissent may become passse' in America.

Stupidity, on the other hand, is _always_ in style, eh, Wayne?

Whyncha see whether you can locate a second neuron up in that vast, echoing
space?  You might get better results rubbing two of 'em together.

And, hey, if you're going to go out, don't forget your tinfoil hat!  The
alien radio control beams are pretty thick out there today.

Lefty (lefty at apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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