Did Ames Disclose Clipper to Russians?

Dave Banisar banisar at washofc.cpsr.org
Thu Mar 17 17:45:49 PST 1994

Interesting yes?

 In article <2m7tpf$84 at delphinium.cig.mot.com> Walter F. Lundby,
 lundby at rtsg.mot.com writes:
 > Hot off the presses:
 > 3-14-94 Network World
 > Page 2, fourth article under "Briefs"
 > Clipper compromisde?  "Security Insider Report," a monthly
 > newsletter published in Seminole, Fla., has reported that
 > government officals are seeking to determine whether former
 > CIA employee and alleged traitor Aldrich Ames may have sold
 > informantion to the Russians about the government's secret
 > key-escrow technology userd in Clipper Chip chipsets and
 > Capstone Tessera cards.   The secret key-escrow technology,
 > dubbed Skipjack, can be used to encrypt voice and data.

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