US Patent & Trademark Office Web server online

Stanton McCandlish mech at
Thu Mar 17 09:15:27 PST 1994

A friend from the USPTO mentioned that he'd set up a PTO WWW server at

Went and had a look, not a whole lot of stuff yet, but there's some probably-
important material here, including transcripts of the Arlington and San
Jose hearings on software patents.  These can now be found also at

The site has the benefit of having html versions up, so that
you can find specific testimony, which is quite handy:

There are also Unix ASCII, DOS ASCII, compress'd ASCII, gzip'd ASCII,
Adobe Acrobat Exchange PDF, and MS-Word for Mac (BinHex'd StuffIt archive) 
formats available at the PTO site.  

Also available (at both the USPTO and EFF paths) is a file containing the
collected written testimony submitted to both hearings.

Stanton McCandlish * mech at * Electronic Frontier Found. OnlineActivist
"In a Time/CNN poll of 1,000 Americans conducted last week by Yankelovich
Partners, two-thirds said it was more important to protect the privacy of
phone calls than to preserve the ability of police to conduct wiretaps.
When informed about the Clipper Chip, 80% said they opposed it."
- Philip Elmer-Dewitt, "Who Should Keep the Keys", TIME, Mar. 4 1994

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