Mike Markley mmarkley at microsoft.com
Thu Mar 17 08:51:40 PST 1994

Last night (4/16/94) both the Discover Channel and A & E Network ran 
specials on the OSS and the part that they played in helping the Allies 
win World War II. It was kind of interesting to see what went on back 
then. I didn't watch the whole thing because I grew tired of watching 
grainy black and white footage of people walking through mud and water 
in rain forests on Pacific islands. I'm just curious if there is any 
connection between these broadcasts, which were quite rah-rah about the 
need for covert intelligence agencies, and the current Skipjack debate.

Mike Markley              || The opinions here do not represent the
mmarkley at microsoft.com    || opinions of my employer. Attempts to
			  || associate the two are pointless.

   "I want to look at life, In the available light"
					- Neil Peart -

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