NY UNIX Clipper Article

smb at research.att.com smb at research.att.com
Tue Mar 15 07:24:34 PST 1994

	 > > 	"When I saw that I said 'Wow.  That is not right,' and I raised
	 > > hell about that," Gore said in an interview Thursday.
	 > I'm glad the VP jumped on this right away. 8-|
	 Amazing, ain't it?

Umm -- wasn't that story datelined February 11?

	 My oppinion is that while Bill may or may not be guilty, he'd
	 probably get away with it regardless... who in hell wants to
	 be known as the person responsible for sending a president up
	 the river?

Think back 20 years -- it would have happened then, to history's most
famous unindicted co-conspirator, had not Ford pardoned him for anything
he might or might not (hah!) have done.  (Fortunately, Agnew had already

	 Still, we did have to get rid of Bush and Quayle... :-I


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