CD-ROM software "shopping"

Arsen Ray Arachelian rarachel at
Mon Mar 14 08:43:34 PST 1994

RE: Software Dispatch CD...
While each individual CD doesn't have a unique key, each batch does.
>From what I heard, on the average, there are 10 separate batch/keys.
So if your friend buys X software off his CD and gives you his key
you have a 1 in 10 chance of being able to get the software...

(Kinda useless, if you're going to pirate it, you just copy the
software, but at least it prevents the serial number lists from
hawking the cd-wares...)

Also, I think the key they give you contains a private reg. number
so if you spread the software you buy they can track you down and
hunt you like a dog... :-)

Then again, there's nothing preventing you from running a hack
program on the CD (other than time of course...)

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