Other Spy Agencies

Greg - Kucharo kryten at shell.portal.com
Fri Mar 11 18:26:00 PST 1994

 We have talked plenty on the list about the NSA.What about the spy agencies of
other nations?What do they have to offer in the way of crypto roadblocks.Maybe
an exchange of crypto ideas could turn up intresting info from foreign agencies
 But I can picture life in San Quentin for espinoge.I can see the scene now,
 "Im in for triple murder,how about you? I got 40 years for telling the Swedes
about RSA so don't screw with me pal!Crypto huh,your one sick con."
Greg Kucharo
kryten at shell.portal.com   University of Maximegalon College of Computer Science
 This .sig contains much that is apocryphal,or at least wildly inaccurate.

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