Truly Stealthy PGP

Eric Hughes hughes at
Sat Mar 5 14:04:51 PST 1994

OK.  Here's the situation again, hopefully more clearly.
Unfortunately, more clearly in mathematics often means more notation.

Let n be the modulus, and #n be the length of the modulus in bits.
Let k be the smallest multiple of eight greater than #n.  Let L = 2^k
be the bit length of the byte container for n and numbers mod n.

Call an encrypted session key as it appears in the cyphertext Q.  We
want the Q's to be randomly distributed over the interval [0,L).
Suppose the encrypted session key R = Q mod n.  The integer R is in
the interval [0,n), and so can't be evenly distributed over [0,L).
The session key S = R^d mod n, where d is the private exponent.

The entropy I calculated was the entropy of the distribution of the
R's with the prior condition that the Q's were randomly distributed.
In other words, if the key is byte-oriented and if the public
representation of the encrypted session key reveals zero information,
the distribution of the encrypted session keys must be non-random.  I
calculated exactly how non-random that could possibly be, and the
answer was, not much.

One more time.  We want the encrypted key, as it appears to the world,
to look random.  So let's assume it _is_ random, and see how that
affects the rest of the system.  If the encrypted session key, as
represented, is random over a range of bytes, it can't be completely
random over the modulus in question, since the modulus doesn't divide
two to the number of bits.  There's some left over, and therefore some
numbers map to more encrypted session keys than others.

Now, since we have a non-random distribution, we need to see how that
affects security, since a non-random distribution lowers the search
space for brute force search.  I calculated exactly how much it can
lower the size of the search space.  The maximum decrease in entropy
is two bits, or a factor of four smaller.  This isn't enough to worry
about for large moduli.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is safe to use a representation of
the encrypted session key which is random.

I've left out how we go from a non-uniform encrypted session key
(which must be generated with a distribution of the entropy
calculated) to a uniform distribution in the representation of the
encrypted session key.  This is not at all obvious.

>If the session key is chosen from [0,L), still the encrypted session
>key m = sd^e mod n will be uniform in [0,n).  

No, in fact it won't be uniform.  That was the calculation I just did.

>I don't quite follow here
>how exactly we go from something uniform in [0,n) to something uniform in
>[0,L), if that is what Eric is proposing.

You just can't get uniformity over both intervals at the same time.
What I showed is that you can tolerate non-uniformity in one range in
order to get uniformity in the other.


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