Update on user-level hack to do telnet encryption posted recently

Graham Toal gtoal at an-teallach.com
Sat Mar 5 13:10:03 PST 1994

	> OK folks, I've started tidying up that hack code I posted recently which
	> outlined a method for rolling your own telnet-style encryption.

	I really think this project is a serious mistake. People should, if
	they insist, produce software compatible with the draft RFCs on telnet
	encryption and authentication -- although such code has already been
	written. The notion of putting in all this effort just to avoid having
	to deal with your system administrator, especially when he should be
	happy to install such code given the recent rash of internet breakins,
	seems misplaced to me.

Perry, I'm no longer interested in what you have to say.  You've been
a wet blanket and have pooh-poohed every practical suggestion I've
ever seen anyone making - weren't you one of the first people to
post to the netphone project telling us we were all wasting our time?

Cypherpunks write code, except when asked not to by Perry Metzger.

The point of this code, in case you missed it, is so that people can
take responsibility for their own encryption and not have to trust
software installed by someone else, just like we all use pgp rather
than Clipper.

Now, if you don't have anything useful to contribute, shut up and stop
trying to discourage those who do.


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