PC Expo, Mac World, Comdex, etc... (fwd)

Eileen Tronolone eileen at photon.poly.edu
Thu Mar 3 13:16:30 PST 1994

Also Sprach Arsen Ray Arachelian:
> >I LOVE IT! LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!
> Disks are dirt cheap.  $0.39 per disk in 150 packs.
> If we could get a few people to chip in $20, we can
> buy quite a lot, over a hundred.  The hard part is
> duplicating them.  (BTW: those disks come preformatted
> for DOS. This is from MEI Microcenter..  800-634-3478)
What we need are people to take a portion of them and format them for Unix
and Macintosh and any other versions of PGP that are there. Can the Unix
version of PGP fit on a single disk? Also, we have to have the sort of 
people involved who won't just take the disks and walk with them.
> The hardest part is printing labels that look 
> professional enough to prevent most of the yuppies
> from being suspicious about a few kids handing out
> disks. 

Piece of cake. My lover has his own desktop publishing buisness. With an
HPLJ4 at home. No problem. We can make professional-looking handouts too.

 (We'll have to wear suits too in order to
> not get them scared off... Sad, but effective..)

You have to wear a suit (or at least reasonably dressy clothing) to be taken
seriously at any Expo at all. 

One concern I have - did Zimmerman sell out to RSA yet? He was being sued
as I recall, and the latest info I have is that he watered down version 2.3
to shut them up temporarily. What is the latest on that, and is 2.3 still
the latest version of PGP?

Eileen Tronolone       | internet: eileen at photon.poly.edu   | EARTH
System Administrator   | usenet: redsonja at olias.linet.org   | JUICE!
Polytechnic University | voice: (718) 260-3846              |   -- RTF
Brooklyn, NY 11201     | Self possession is 9/10 of the law.|

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