LIST: encrypted

Karl Lui Barrus klbarrus at
Wed Mar 2 20:05:11 PST 1994

About receiving this mailing list encrypted.... I beleive Hal Finney
is (was?)  offering such a service.  Basically you send in your public
key, and Hal pipes all list mail through pgp and remails it you, from
one of his anonymous remailers.

I don't think many people opt for this :) but the option is there
(unless Hal isn't offering it anymore).

He'll probably answer when he reads the list mail!

Karl L. Barrus: klbarrus at         
keyID: 5AD633 hash: D1 59 9D 48 72 E9 19 D5  3D F3 93 7E 81 B5 CC 32 

"One man's mnemonic is another man's cryptography" 
  - my compilers prof discussing file naming in public directories

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